You may know Turmeric as the main ingredient in curry powder and as a staple used in Indian and Asian cuisine, but there is much more than meets the eye when it comes to this beneficial yellow spice. Turmeric is an antioxidant that is commonly used for pain and inflammation, heartburn, stress, and many other conditions. It is also known for its anti-cancer effects, and it’s even been shown to help reduce the symptoms of skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.

Turmeric and your skin

Many people claim that putting a turmeric mask on your skin or even eating the spice can help fight stubborn pimples due to its reported anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. There are many reported skin benefits of the spice, also known as Curcuma longa:

  • Heals wounds
  • Prevents breakouts
  • Reduces acne
  • Brightens dark circles
  • Gives your skin a glow

Can turmeric lighten your skin?

We’d all love a little glow to our skin, and studies found that turmeric essential oil in a lotion form can brighten the skin in just a few weeks. The best part is that it is DIY—you can simply add turmeric essential oil to a cream or oil-based moisturizer. The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components are known for providing the skin with a luster and a natural glow.

Turmeric also inhibits the production of melanin, which is the pigment responsible for dark spots and hyperpigmentation. If used regularly, turmeric-based products are known to help fade blemishes and give the skin a more even-toned appearance. That’s because curcumin has the capacity to decrease UV damage, and some scientists say it can even reduce the breakdown of collagen. 

How to make a turmeric face mask

The key to making a face mask is combining turmeric powder with a thickening agent in order to make a paste. The following ingredients may vary based on what your individual skin concerns are:

  • Acne/antibacterial – Combine turmeric with warm water and honey
  • Hyperpigmentation/wrinkles – Combine turmeric with yogurt and lemon juice
  • Irritation – Mix turmeric with aloe vera gel
  • Antioxidant – Combine turmeric with water and almond or rice flour

Be sure to leave the mask on for a minimum of ten minutes in order to achieve the best results, then rinse with warm water, and follow up with your regular beauty regimen such as toner, serum, and moisturizer consider adding turmeric face masks on your to-do list.

Are there any health risks?

Just like with anything, there may be health risks involved depending on how your skin reacts to different products and/or medications that you take. Avoid using too much turmeric at first until you know how your skin and body reacts. Note that due to its coloring, turmeric can leave a yellow stain or residue which is normal. Also be aware if you notice any redness or swelling, as that could be due to an allergy to the spice. According to experts it is recommended that you test a small amount of turmeric on your forearm first and wait 24 to 48 hours before applying to your face.

Gorgeous skin at your fingertips

Everyone’s skin is unique and different, and it’s all about finding the right combination of products that work for you and make you feel and look your best. So, why not give turmeric a try?

 “You don’t have to use a lot of products to get great results. You just have to use the right products for your skin type. –Celebrity Esthetician, Renee Rouleau

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